Thursday, September 20, 2012


Oh my stars, I cannot believe I'm doing this, but I must because I know not everyone's on Facebook...

And that's okay!!!  And clearly I don't want to annoy people, (anymore than I do by my mere existence on the planet...)  but I want a way to let them know what's going on so they don't have to surf the web all the time...

And yet, I want everyone to come visit me here. Have coffee. Grab a bite of cake!!!


But it's important to keep up with things/folks/times and so I'm ready to start a three-season newsletter...




Nothing major. Sweet. Simple. I've got a link on my webpage to sign up, but you can sign up right here by commenting... Leave me your e-mail, okay?  I've got a list started and I'll add you to it. And if I get annoying, dump me, really, because my goal in life is to be the LEAST ANNOYING PERSON IN UPSTATE... Note I did not claim the whole planet, just a small corner. Start small and build, right???

OR...if you don't want your e-mail public, just e-mail me at and tell me you want to be on my mailing list and no one else sees your e-mail if you'd like it kept private. I will keep all e-mails private unless I totally mess this up which is a distinct possibility.

Think of my ineptitude as a chance to make new friends!!!  :)

The first issue will come out for WINTER.... and you'll discover I'm sincere about loving winter... Although I do get tired of it by mid-February.

And then if you're a winter-hater you can print the sunny-disposition thing off and throw darts at it. Really, my feelings are NOT hurt. I consider it my way of saving you from jail time. Whatever it takes.

And we're still taking names for our wayward wanderers... And if you comment your name goes in the clean cat dish for a chance to win His Mistletoe Family when my copies come next month...




  1. Of COURSE sign me up for your newsletter! Why would I miss up this chance for more Ruthy-time?

  2. Newsletter, party of one!!!!


    Jan, I love you. You have reaffirmed that this is a GREAT IDEA.

